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My life in America 

After starting my work in Germany I was craving for more. I wanted to help in other countries, and learn more about other health care systems. After considerable research I found PRO Au Pair, an organization for professional caregivers. During 4 weeks I found a family, quit my job in Germany, moved out of my apartment, and finally started my new position as professional au pair for three children, one of them diagnosed with autism. I worked two years with this family, and learned the nuances of caregiving, especially patience, love, and trust. In addition to my work as an au pair I volunteered at a school for special needs children, and organizations such as Autism Speaks, took classes like DIR/Floortime, and Brain Gym to learn about different therapeutic concepts. This was when I became a Yoga for the Special Child Basic Practitioner. Since than I taught in different schools, and for private families on a volunteer basis. 

One year later, I continued my path and finished my 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training. 
Since this day, I taught private lessons, at different festivals, and at the Yogaloft in Marblehead. Currently, I am teaching for Yogahub, at Boston University and at the Whizzo Performance and Arts Center. 


In August 2019, I completed the SUP Yoga Teacher Training with FluidMotion in Pittsburgh. 


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